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Tips for starting new journey

"Travel is never a matter of money but if courage" -Paolo coelho

So now we come to the topic and start to discus the idea behind this article . When i am sitting freely in my room i am thinking about how ,when and where to start Travelling . Even I have visited 2 countries till now , but i have a dream to cover all the countries all of our Earth..

So now these are the steps for Making a plan for new Journey .

Note- These are free/Cheap Travelling Tips for Backpackers

  1. Firstly Check your Budget.

  2. Try to find the cheapest and better way to go there.

  3. List down all the choices.

  4. Make travel itinerary for your best choice.

  5. Pack minimal things for stay.

  6. Learn there Language and Culture.

After all the things you just need to check about your accommodation and Transport.

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