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Privacy Policy 

PhoTra at (“Website”) is governed by the following privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”).



We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you what personally identifiable information we may collect and how it may be used. This statement only applies to this Website.


Please read the Privacy Policy carefully before you start to use the Website. By using the Website or by clicking to accept or agree to the Terms of Use when this option is made available to you, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by the Privacy Policy. If you do not want to agree to the Privacy Policy, you must not access or use the Website.





Information You Submit to the Website


We may collect personal information from you such as your name or email address. For example, you may voluntarily submit information to the Website by leaving a comment, subscribing to a newsletter, or submitting a contact form. In addition, you are able to create a user profile, which allows you to create a username and password. We will store the username, but your password will not be visible in our records.


Disclosure of Information will not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others. We do not automatically log personal data nor do we link information automatically logged by other means with personal data about specific individuals. We may use IP addresses to compile and provide aggregate statistics about our visitors, traffic patterns, and administer the site. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information. We collect only the personal data that you may volunteer while using our services. We do not collect information about our visitors from other sources, such as public records or bodies, or private organizations.


Information We Collect on You

When you access the Website, the Company will learn certain information about you during your visit. As a business, we collect personal data from you in a number of ways including:


(1.) Newsletter options: Your name and email address.


(2.) Waiting Lists: Your name and email address.


(3.) Transactions: You name, email address, billing information, and payment source.


(4.) Comments: Your name, email address, and comment. Please note by posting a comment on this Site or in


our forum, you consent to the posting of any Personal Information that you provide. You should be aware that such Personal Information can be read, collected, or used by other visitors to these public areas. We have no control over how these visitors use your Personal Information.

We may use the information collected in the following ways:

  • To operate and maintain this Website;

  • To improve your experience on this Website;

  • To respond to your comments;

  • To provide you with user support;

  • Provide and deliver the information, products, and services you request, process transactions and send you related information, including confirmations and receipts;

  • Send you technical notices, updates, security alerts, and support and administrative messages;

  • Communicate with you about products, services, surveys, offers, promotions, rewards, and events offered by Company and others, and provide news and information we think will be of interest to you;

  • Monitor and analyze trends, usage, and activities in connection with our Services;

  • Personalize and improve the Services and provide advertisements, content, or features that match user profiles or interests.

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